Factory Farming

joaquin phoenix veganAmericans like to say they’re animal lovers. However, animal lovers don’t torture animals. And, the vast majority of animals in the United States are being tortured. That’s because most animals are not our beloved cats and dogs. Today, most animals are farmed animals: cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, lambs.  And, most of those farmed animals are trapped on factory farms.

The Sentience Institute analyzed USDA statistics and determined that 98.74% of farmed animals in the United States live on factory farms. They’re also known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations or CAFOs, giant, windowless warehouses where tens or even hundreds of thousands of animals exist in cramped quarters, never touching the grass.

Despite this, three-quarters of consumers claim to buy humane products. That’s called denial. Time to snap out of it. These videos will help with that. For a second, the truth hurts. But, then, life gets better. Because… face it. Deep down inside, you knew the truth all along. Now, with honesty on your side, you can help make the world a less hellish place for animals.

Protest Before the Canada 11 court sentence in Montreal
The Activists in the “Canada 11” Case Have Finally Been Sentenced

The activists in the Canada 11 case, convicted for entering a pig farm in Quebec to expose animal cruelty, have now been sentenced after more than three years of waiting Los Angeles, June 27th, 2023 — As animal rights protesters held a rally outside court, 11 activists (10 Canadians and one American) known as the Canada 11, were finally sentenced by a judge in Quebec.

Alexandra Paul and Alicia Santurio Not Guilty (c)DxE
Alexandra Paul & Alicia Santurio Not Guilty in Chicken Rescue

Former Baywatch star Alexandra Paul and co-defendant Alicia Santurio were found not guilty of theft after rescuing two chickens from a Foster Farms’ truck in California Los Angeles, March 19, 2023 — Animal rights activists all over the country are celebrating that former Baywatch actress Alexandra Paul and co-defendant Alicia Santurio have been found not guilty of misdemeanor theft in a court in Merced, California, in another open rescue case.

Gene Baur and friend from Farm Sanctuary
Farm Sanctuary’s Valentine’s Day Party Rocked

Farm Sanctuary, in Los Angeles, held an Open Your Heart event to celebrate Valentine’s Day with happy, rescued animals Los Angeles — Valentine’s Day is the holiday for those who love each other, and how better to celebrate it than in the company of loving farm animals?

Vegan Senator Cory Booker
Senator Cory Booker Announces New Farmed Animal Welfare Legislation

Indianapolis, Indiana, December 28 11:30pm    New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, the first vegan member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, recently announced a new piece of farmed animal welfare legislation, the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act (IAA).  The IAA is a bill created, in part, as a response to what critics have described as the horrific treatment of pigs, chickens, turkeys and cows during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In the early months of the pandemic, Covid-ridden slaughterhouses were temporarily shut down, and the USDA provided aid to livestock companies in the mass killing (referred to as “depopulation”) of millions of animals, meaning that taxpayer dollars supported these acts.

Direct Action Everywhere declares victory with not guilty verdicts.
DxE Animal Activists NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS in #Smithfield Trial

DxE ANIMAL ACTIVISTS NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS! History was just made as two Direct Action Everywhere animal activists – part of a team that rescued two very sick piglets from a massive Utah factory farm – were found NOT GUILTY on all counts by a Utah jury.

US Supreme Court
U.S. Supreme Court to Decide If California’s Proposition 12 Stands

Animal agriculture’s challenge to California’s Proposition 12 will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in October Los Angeles, September 29th, 2022, 9am – It was way back in 2018 that Californians spoke out clearly against animal cruelty! They voted, overwhelmingly, in favor of California’s Proposition 12, which bans certain intensive confinement methods involving farmed animals.

Pig farm shown in The End of Medicine documentary
New Film Warns: Animal Ag Could Cause ‘The End of Medicine’

The groundbreaking film, The End of Medicine, warns: animal agriculture threatens our ability to treat human diseases. We take medicine for granted. When we get ill, we expect that someone will cure us by giving us drugs and treatments.

chickens and fishes (c) Faunalytics
Study Reveals How People Really Feel About Chickens and Fishes

A new study reveals how people really feel about chickens and fishes in five countries where these animals are massively consumed. Wouldn’t it be great to know how people really feel about animals like chickens and fishes? After all, chickens and fishes are arguably the most exploited and abused beings on earth, killed in the greatest number.

DxE: Your Calls Are Needed NOW to Stop Factory Farming

DxE: Stop Factory Farming by Calling Now The famed animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere has launched a call-in campaign to urge the California Assembly Agriculture Committee to vote yes on AB 2764. This historic bill would prohibit the construction and expansion of any factory farms or large slaughterhouses in California, the world’s fifth largest economy.   Your Phone Calls Could Keep This Bill Alive The Vice Chair of the ag committee, Asm.

Sacramento rally ban new factory farms
California Bill Would Ban New Factory Farms and Slaughterhouses

The California Assembly is debating a new bill (AB-2764) that would ban new factory farms and new slaughterhouses A new bill (AB-2764) would place a moratorium on the construction and expansion of factory farms and slaughterhouses in California. The proposed law would also put a halt to the growth of CAFOs, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.