
Three women from behind closely watching a truck with chickens
A Decade of Bearing Witness for the Animals

An interview with some of the leaders of the Animal Save Movement, founder Anita Kranjc and Director of Communications James O’Toole, showing its history and the current campaign of stopping a new slaughterhouse

Beyond Animal Agriculture Summit Is a Hit!

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Pigs are clean! Speciesism
Removing Violence and Speciesism from Our Language

    Speciesism vs Animal-Friendly Idioms If you’ve been involved in the animal rights world,…

Covid Hotspot Partnership Sparks Protests!

COVID Hotspot Partnership Sparks Protests Why would a football club continue to partner with a…

Cows & Pigs: the New Stars in Virtual Sanctuary Tours!

When Covid-19 hit, Luvin’ Arms Animal Sanctuary freaked out! How are we going to survive?…

#BoycottMeat Workers’ Rights Campaign Joins with JaneUnChained!

We vegans live in a perpetual state of boycotting meat. No news there. What is…

Protests as Pig Slaughter Truck Kills Activist!
Regan Russell was a beloved, relentless and skilled activist who - for more than forty…
PETA Hosts a Car Protest Around Vernon Slaughterhouse!

Cesar Asebedo reporting #LIVE for #JaneUnchained at a slaughterhouse ten minutes from downtown Los Angeles,…

Connect with Fellow Activists on Zoom Every Week!

#JaneUnchained #LIVE We are at a joint Los Angeles Animal Save and Animal Alliance Network…

Take The Coronavirus Confinement Challenge with Jane!

Feeling isolated and confined because of #COVID19? Jane Velez-Mitchell takes the dare and does the…