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Beasts of Burden: Our Complex Relationships with Animals
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Beasts of Burden: Our Complex Relationships with Animals

Reporting LIVE in New York, New York at the opening exhibit of the art show “Beasts of Burden: Our Complex Relationship with Animals,” curated by artist Jane O’Hara. All of the artwork is inspired by animals and Jane O’Hara’s goal is to show how completely entwined animals are in our lives. Fourteen artists are represented, including world-renowned musician and vegan, Moby. Find info about the Compassion Arts & Culture and Animals Festival here:

Beasts of Burden w:Jane O'Hara 10:20:17 2Artist Joanne O’Hara

Beasts of Burden 5Video footage inside a slaughterhouse 

Beasts of Burden 10:20:17 3In the Museum

See Also
Billy McNamara's IG acct shows rescues in progress during inferno


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