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NYC Activist Makes Vegan Mac 'n Cheese
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NYC Activist Makes Vegan Mac 'n Cheese

How to make Lazy but Luscious Vegan Mac ’n Cheese brought to you by leading New York, New York animal activist Jill Carnegie, Campaigns Director of NYCLASS, which fights to free NYC carriage horses! Jill also urges you to support the Indiegogo campaign to rescue chickens from cruel ritual slaughter here:

RECIPE:   Jill Carnegie’s Mac ’n Cheese



  1. In a bowl place tapioca flour, miso paste, and apple cider vinegar and combine with a whisk.
  2. Place this mixture into a blender and add the soy milk, nutritional yeast (nooch), and the coconut oil
  3. Blend for 20 seconds on high
  4. Place pasta in a sauce pan, add the blended sauce and heat until it  thickens

IMG_5709Some of the ingredients for Jill’s Mac ‘n Cheese

IMG_5708Miso Master Organic Mellow White Miso Paste

See Also
vegan grilled cheese recipe

IMG_5700 2Jill’s Mac ‘n Cheese


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