Small Texas Town Sheriffs Protect Animal Activists Holding A Vigil Outside Slaughterhouse
by Dani Rukin
March 7, 2018
Watch how respectfully protesters were treated by law enforcement who was called by the slaughterhouse to remove the peaceful activists from outside their place of business. Instead, the officers explained to the slaughterhouse management that it was the protesters first amendment right to peacefully protest outside. LIVE with Houston Animal Save. Vigils are sprouting up around the world as The Save Movement grows exponentially. Reps of animal ag are invited on any time to respond. #JaneUnChained
Pigs inside the slaughterhouse. Some were convulsing, others with severe limps.
Chained by the neck.
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Thank-you Angels for shining light on a very dark place bless all of the animals.
About time law enforcement stood up for little people who are trying to make the world a better place instead of catering to corporations and wealthy people.