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Make Your Own Vegan Dog Food at Home!
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Make Your Own Vegan Dog Food at Home!

It’s all about vegan dogs! And they can eat a lot of the foods we do! We are LIVE on #JaneUnchainedLive as Michelle May of Benjii’s Canine Cuisine and Seva Foods and Tracy Childs of Veg-Appeal and PlantDiego discuss #vegandogs and show how to MAKE Tracy’s recipe for Vegan Dog Food for her pups, Louie and Puka! We will discuss nutritional aspects of feeding dogs. We are excited to announce that vegan vet Dr. Armaiti May of @Dr. May’s Veterinary House Calls will be on-line to answer veterinary nutrition questions, so please comment on this post below with your questions and we will answer during the broadcast and afterward! We will also discuss the status of the important study on vegan dogs!

The nutritious vegan dog food ingredients sure to put a pep in your dog’s step!

Michelle is working on launching her dog food company which features the first dog food that is organic, plant-based and human grade. She explains that dogs are like us and should eat real food. Many times they want to eat what we’re cooking and can’t so why not make them their own home cooked meal. Currently there are efforts to study the effect of a vegan diet on dogs. In Los Angeles there is an initiative to feed shelter dogs a vegan diet. Hopefully with science and determined people, we can stop feeding one sentient animal to another unnecessarily.

Tracy and Michelle pose with their vegan pups!

Tracy recommends mixing a new dog food with the old dog food until the dog acclimates to the new food. Michelle suggests feeding dogs a variety so they are able to process new foods. If you suspect your dog has an allergy, Tracy and Michelle suggest doing your research about what dogs shouldn’t eat. You can also try eliminating foods from your dogs diet until you determine the food they are reacting to. Michelle recommends a multi vitamin like Vegedog for your dog when you are doing a homecooked dog food regimen. Try making your own vegan dog food for your four legged dog friend at home with the recipe below!

Check these sites for more info:

Benji’s Canine Cuisine

Armaiti May:,

V-Dog (kibble),

Info on feeding dogs –

Check out this book: Dr. Richard Pitcairn’s Fourth edition of “Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats”

Tracy’s Lentil Vegan Dog Food

#tracyteachesvegan #vegappeal

Makes about 4 quarts

  1. Soak these ingredients with plenty of water in a large sauce pan for 1 – 10 hours, then drain.

1.5 cups red lentils

1 cup brown lentils

1 ½ cup millet, brown rice, quinoa, or steel cut oats (I usually use a mix)

  1. Then put it back the pan and add:

8 cups filtered water

1 inch (or more) piece wakame seaweed, cut into small pieces

1 sweet potato, or 2 large carrots, grated or chopped finely

1 teaspoon turmeric and a bit of black pepper

See Also
Chef Zuzu on set of New Day New Chef

  1. Bring the mixture to a boil then simmer/cook, partially covered, for 30 – 40 minutes (until soft)
  2. Remove from heat, uncover and stir in these options

4 cups finely chopped kale

1 cup frozen peas (optional)

1 cup cooked chickpeas or other cooked beans (optional)

1 cup apple sauce (my dogs love this)

½ cup ground flax seeds

½ cup nutritional yeast

2 or more tablespoons coconut oil or other oil (optional – omit if dog is overweight)

  1. Allow the food to cool well then store in quart containers, freezing 3 and putting 1 in the fridge.

 TO SUPPLEMENT:  If you do feed some commercial dog food which is supplemented, you may not need to worry about this but for those who only do home cooking, Dr. Armaiti  May (vegan vet in LA) recommends adding in a supplement such as Vegedog ( for appropriate balance of nutrients including taurine which is available from

MORE RECIPES ARE AVAILABLE on above website and are linked in the post and mentioned in the video.


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  • I wish nutritional breakdown per gram of this recipe was provided! calories, fat, carbs, protein, etc – how much to feed of this recipe per kg of dog, etc

  • A recipe for home made food should NOT include a link for expensive supplements. It should list the supplements needed–like how much Taurine.

    This gross commercialization makes me doubt your entire recipe.. What dvm nutritionist reviewed it?

    • I was wondering the same thing about the amount to feed and the supplements. Most important, I’m looking for recipes that have been used for many years on a variety of dogs over multi generations to ensure that my dogs will be in exemplary health.
      I’d welcome any feedback on these issues.

    • I was wondering the same thing about the amount to feed and the supplements. Most important, I’m looking for recipes that have been used for many years on a variety of dogs over multi generations to ensure that my dogs will be in exemplary health.
      I’d welcome any feedback on these issues.

      • Hi,
        I would highly recommend checking out some of the great vegan cat and god groups on facebook. There are so many members and they can answer questions about quantities pretty easily.

      • I’m not sure about multiple generations of dogs, but Evolution dog and cat food seem to be very popular with our companion animals. Maybe check them out! Thank you for your comment! :))

        • This is the best information thank you so much for sharing. I also bought a Pet Supplies with the help of the Barkbox Promo Code and this is the best way to buy a pet with a discount. Well, I hope this article has helped you and I hope it has shed some light on the challenge of saving money on your pet supplies regardless of whether you use a pet supply store or an online store. And your information is best to Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Hello, thanks for the recipe but how much am I supposed to feed per pound of weight?? Thanks 🙂

    • Yes please provide us with this information, otherwise it is a complete guessing game!

  • Hi- I’ve been trying this recipe out with my dog, but it seems like they poop out what largely looks like what they ate. And she seems hungry more often. It seems like they are not digesting it. Any suggestions?

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