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Nice Cream That Elvis Would Have Loved!

Nice Cream That Elvis Would Have Loved!

Elvis Nice Cream

What Is Elvis Nice Cream?

You’ve heard of Nice Cream I am sure, but have you heard of the infamous Elvis Sandwich? Today on #LunchBreakLIVE Chef Tracy Childs is transforming this unhealthy sandwich usually made with peanut butter, bananas, and bacon into a #plantastic version…a cool, decadent yet SO healthy Elvis Nice Cream Parfait! That’s right – she’s making vegan bacon and combining it with peanut butter! Can you say YUM?



She Can Cook, But What Else?

Tracy is the founder and director of Veg-Appeall, PlantDiego, and the recently launched Tracy’s REAL Foods, featuring freshly made vegan, whole food cookies & other plant-based snacks and treats shipped or delivered FRESH nationwide. Tracy also teaches nutrition and cooking with Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s Food for Life program.  She is incredibly creative with her recipes, whether she is making dessert, lunch, dinner, or a side dish.  Now, let’s check out how she made these delicious Elvis Nice Cream Parfaits, and how they turned out.  Hint hint…they look AMAZING!


Nice Cream Coconut Bacon  ingredients
The ingredients for the coconut bacon.


Nice Cream ingredients
The Nice Cream Ingredients.


Elvis Nice Cream
The finished Elvis Nice Cream. Yum!


See Also
HOT for Food’s Lauren Toyota

Tracy Childs
Tracy showing off her Nice Cream.


You Ready To Make Your Own Elvis Nice Cream?

I know you are all craving this decadent, yet healthy parfait!  So HERE is the recipe.  You will also find a link to the coconut bacon recipe there as well.  Be sure to let us know how your parfait turned out, and if you loved it, share it!  Tracy is on the show often, always cooking up creative and healthy, yet oh so tasty recipes for us.  She never disappoints.  I loved her kale salad and spring roll recipe.  It was super delicious!  And check out more #LunchBreakLIVE recipes that you are sure to love.   Until next time…Stay tuned!



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