
Activist with placards and banners demonstrating in Italy for the Plant Based Treaty
UK MPs Urged to Endorse the Plant Based Treaty

14 Members of Parliament Support the Plant Based Treaty In her inimitable way, climate activist Greta Thunberg recently dismissed the world’s business-as-usual politicians with a perfectly delivered line. “Blah, blah, blah,” is how the acclaimed vegan teenager summarized the half-measures of Presidents and Prime Ministers, measures that are getting us nowhere but hotter, drier, and more desperate.

Two demonstrators dressed as crustaceans with placards in front of a UK Government building
Huge Victory for Lobsters and Crabs!

Amsterdam Bans the sale of Live Lobsters and Crabs in its Markets Good news for our ten-legged friends. The capital of the Netherlands has just announced another important victory for the protection of lobsters and crabs. From 2022 on, it will be illegal to sell live lobsters and crabs in any of Amsterdam’s 34 markets.

Monkey tattooed in a lab cage
Two Giant Leaps toward Ending Vivisection!

Is This the Beginning of The End of Vivisection? In the last few weeks, the movement against animal experimentation (vivisection) scored two important victories. These could cause a chain reaction which could lead to the end of vivisection everywhere in the world.

Woman shaking hands with a Dutch lawyer in Court
EU Nation Considers Cut to Livestock Numbers

The Netherlands Considers Cutting Livestock by Almost a Third This is huge! Civil servants at the Dutch Finance and Agriculture Ministry are proposing to reduce livestock numbers by almost a third. Yes, you read it right! If it happens, this may be the first country to cut livestock numbers to solve an environmental crisis.

Two coyotes on top of a mountain in L.A, in one of the current wildlife corridors
Wildlife Corridors Urgently Needed to Save Animals

America Must Create Wildlife Corridors Think about all the wild animals grappling with extreme heat, drought, wildfires…and the destruction of their land for cattle ranching, factory farms or infrastructure. There is a way to help them. Across the United States, politicians are debating wildlife corridors to help wild animals naturally move from one area to another.

Wildfires in Malibu
IPCC Report: Go Vegan for Climate

The Earth Is in Trouble: Going Vegan Is the Solution! Very few of us are actually going to read the acronym-filled 3,949 page report issued on Monday, August 9th, 2021 by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, entitled Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis.

Tens of thousands of wild horses languish in packed government holding pens and often end up slaughtered in violation of the law.
End Wild Horse Roundups by US Government!

 Wild Horse Roundups Need to STOP Now! By Craig C Downer, wildlife ecologist and wild horse and burro advocate  America’s wild horses have been betrayed by our own government, which is working for the cattle industry and ignoring the will of the people, who overwhelmingly love wild horses.  The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 (WFHBA) is supposed to protect America’s wild horses.

Head shots of the 10 panellist of the RAP Summit
Summit to Switch from Animal to Veganic Farming

The International Summit to Transition Beyond Animal Agriculture  How can ranchers and farmers thrive on their land without using animals? In the face of excruciating heat, floods, and global wildfires, this is the most crucial question of our lives. Industrialized animal agriculture is destroying the planet before our eyes.

Demostrators with anti-cage banners in front of a pig statue
The European Commission Commits to Ban Cages in Animal Farming

From 2027 Farm Animals May No Longer Be Kept in Cages in The EU The EU has taken one of the most significant steps to ban cages in animal farming. The European Commission has announced that, by the end of 2023, it will propose legislation to phase out cages.

Humane Party Button
Vegan Humane Party Defies Political Status Quo

The Humane Party: The U.S. Political Party with a Vegan Agenda Political parties rise up when enough people have a common interest they feel is being ignored by the mainstream political machine. This happened in 1892, when America’s disgruntled farmers created the People’s or Populist Party, wrote a platform, and nominated candidates for national political office.