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Midnight Song And Poetry In Alley Behind Chicken Slaughterhouse

Midnight Song And Poetry In Alley Behind Chicken Slaughterhouse

Activists from Chicago and the surrounding area (including Wisconsin!) gathered for a midnight vigil in the alley behind a slaughterhouse on a weeknight to honor the hundreds of petrified chickens unloaded by trucks to their deaths to send a message of peace and justice for animals: “Let them live.” There was song, poetry, and speeches, including a moving talk by Free from Harm’s Robert Grillo reminding us that, “until their voices are heard, we will continue to raise ours.” Chicago Animal Save turned a dark and cold alleyway where unspeakable pain and suffering occurs – birds shrieking as the crates they’re stuffed into get slammed on the ground – into a sanctuary of hope. #LetAnimalsLive #JaneUnChained

Bearing witness to the chickens going to slaughter on this cold snowy night with Chicago Animal Save #LetAnimalsLive #JaneUnChained

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  • It’s really unfortunate they target this place. I talked to the owners in person and they said they did not have a shipment planned that night. Also they are immigrants from Mexico and refugees from the Middle east who came here seeking a better life. It’s not their ideal job to kill chickens but they have to provide for their families. It’s horrible to attack a small business that if closed would only drive customers to bigger corporations where animals are treated even worse. Please use your brains people, if you don’t you will be doing more harm than good.

  • What’s “really unfortunate” is that in order to “seek a better life” for themselves, as you claim, these slaughterhouse workers are willing to take the lives of others in order to do so. Anyone with a conscience would find some line of work that didn’t involve the mass killing of sentient beings. You have more pity for the human workers than for the animal victims because you believe their lives are more important. Replace the birds and animals with human children and let’s see how many excuses for the paid murderers you come up with then.

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