It's LIKA Meat, But So Much Better!
March 15, 2018

#JaneUnChainedLIVE with plant-based visionary Swami Nathan of The Amazing Protein Company making Lika Buffalo “Chicken” nuggets! Meat eaters will be wowed by this vegan epicurean delight! Ask for “LIKA” at your local Whole Foods Market! LIKA: The Amazing Protein!
To find out more:
Lika possesses the identical versatility people have come to expect from meat, including the ability to texture it from jerky to stew utilizing the same diverse cooking methods chefs use for animal protein. As a result, Lika foods can be prepared as barbecued, fried, roasted, based, smoked or sautéed, as Lika products absorb flavor even better than animal protein, including sauces marinades and spices.
One of the biggest challenges of convincing people to adopt a vegan lifestyle is the taste of meat. No matter the problems meat can cause for our health – or the harm they do to animals and the environment – it’s too hard for some people to sacrifice their favorite flavors.
Swami believes that in many ways, it’s up to chefs to help people embrace vegan diets. Swami is noted in the food industry for his unique vegan recipes. His distinguished career includes chef stints with vegetarian restaurants in New York City, as well as senior executive positions with high-profile home entertainment companies.

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Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.