Body Parts on a Conveyor Belt… Chino Cow Save asks the World to Wake Up!

#JaneUnChained live in Chino, California. Animal rights activists have converged here for international #WakeUpWorld week with Chino Cow Save and The Save Movement holding a vigil in front of a slaughterhouse that kills cows. Two-thirds of the way into this video you can see what appear to be the cows’ body parts spewing out. Nearby, thousands of chickens are slaughtered at another facility.
This special vigil invites vegans and non-vegans alike to join in “bearing witness” to the reality most want to ignore. Animal activists from all over the state have come here to bring attention to the suffering and death caused by people choosing to eat animals and their by-products.
AJ Jivdaya, one of the organizers, explains how the group attempts to stop trucks by slowly walking along the public sidewalk. The main goal is to stop the truck and get footage of the cows on the transport trucks. They also hope to raise awareness of what is happening to these animals and at this place. AJ explains sometimes the truck drivers oftentimes do not stop for activists. See the video below for a look at when a driver does not want to stop for vigil goers on the sidewalk. This was the first time the truck made contact with a vigil goer according to Stephanie Hunt, another organizer. These activists are not against the truck drivers or the workers, they are just there to bring awareness about what happens in the animal agriculture industry. This vigil needs more people for safety, and the possibility of a police to ensure that safety.
“Oh my God,” exclaims Paige as she sees the conveyor belt with what appears to be body parts being loaded onto trucks. Cesar explains that the trucks say “gelatin” on them so that is most likely what those pieces are going to be made into. Paige can barely hold back her tears as she explains that gelatin is used in so many candy products from gummies to gummy worms, and so many other products. These animals most likely came into this facility less than 24 hours ago as whole living, sentient creatures, and now they are leaving in an unrecognizable form.
The beef packing company taped here is only the first stop in a three part vigil held every Friday. The group also visits a dairy farm in Ontario and another cattle farm also in Ontario. Please come out and support Chino Cow Save and The Save Movement as they try to raise awareness about what is happening to animals in the animal agricultural industry. The more people who show up and share videos, the more people that will see these practices for what they really are. Please share this video with everyone. Please make the connection today so we can put an end to practices like these.
Follow @chinocowsave on Instagram and Chino Cow Save for more details
The companies involved are invited on any time to respond.
Paige Parsons Roache reports live for
Report Edited by Ellen Dent
***A vigil goer appears to have been clipped by a truck entering the slaughterhouse… Take a look and judge for yourself!***
Video Courtesy of Ellen Dent’s Facebook page:
Check out the pics from this beef packing company and other close by farms below.
Photos by Ellen Dent.

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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.