Sexy Tuscan Pesto Pasta!
Erin Riley-Carrasco, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)’s Sexiest Vegan Over 50 makes a delicious whole food plant-based recipe for a traditional Tuscan Pesto Sauce, served over gluten-free and sodium free brown rice pasta. This pesto sauce is a recipe from the amazing WFPB Roberto Carboni and its absolutely delicious!
Who doesn’t love fresh Pesto sauce and Pasta!? Especially with the summer months just ahead of us, this recipe is perfect for family dinners or made in larger portions for parties! The best thing about this recipe is it is complete whole food plant based, using no oil, butter, eggs or dairy! The brown rice pasta from Trader Joe’s I used for this recipe is also gluten free! All of these ingredients are so healthy for you and you can enjoy a guilt-free meal, knowing there are no heavy oils in the dish. ENJOY! #veganfoodshare #wholefoodplantbased #veganitalianfood #nooil #nodairy #noanimalsharmed #keepingcrueltyoffyourplate #veganandhealthy #saturdaysnackdown #janeunchained #veganin2019
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Donna Dennison is an UnchainedTV writer, graphic designer, video editor, and IG contributor. Donna is also a creative in the film industry.