Get Your Vegan Comfort Food On With Clean South!

#LunchBreakLIVE as we count down to VegFest Los Angeles! Today we feature one of the incredible vendors for the upcoming fest on Cinco de Mayo/May 5th! Daniel Weinberg is with Clean South, the hand-crafted vegan Southern comfort food line and catering company! He’s making a delicious salad featuring their famous “Vegan Buffalo & Honee BBQ Wings.” Available at Besties Vegan Paradise, Follow Your Heart, Lassen’s Natural Foods & Vitamins, and many more spots! This food is tasty!

Danny and his wife, Jessica, have been vegetarian since 2003 and they started their company, Clean South, in 2015. They emulate the flavors of the South without the cruelty making it clean. Danny and Jessica started off working on their recipes together in the kitchen, and they debuted their creations at The Vegan Street Fair. Now, they are a wildly popular food pop up at all of the festivals they are a part of. Danny explains that they have customers that are not already vegan, and when they try their food they realize that they can eat vegan food that is just as delicious as the animal products they are used to without hurting animals and the environment. That, in a nutshell, is the mission of Clean South. They are showing one customer at a time that cruelty-free food can be just as delicious!

Danny shows us how he makes an easy quick salad using their Clean South vegan wings. He pops the wings in the oven. Meanwhile, Danny chops up the lettuce, kale, and adds corn, beans, and other delicious salad ingredients. The wings today are made of vital wheat gluten and they are packed with 19 grams of protein per serving! So why not eat these vegan wings instead of chicken wings? Jane points out that chicken wings don’t grow on trees, so avoid the cruelty and eat vegan wings instead! The “Honee BBQ Wings” are also made with vegan “honee” made from apples from a company called Bee Free Honee. Once the vegan wings are ready, Danny tops it with Follow Your Heart vegan ranch dressing, and Jane digs in, exclaiming Danny and his wife are geniuses for coming up with this delicious product! Try making your own Clean South salad at home with the recipe below!

Visit the Clean South website!
Follow Clean South on Instagram and Facebook!
Get Clean South vegan wings delivered to your door with Mylk Guys!
Be there or be square at Vegfest Los Angeles 2019!

Jane Velez-Mitchell reporting for JaneUnchained News Network.
Photos courtesy of Jane Velez-Mitchell and Paige Parsons Roache.