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Vegan/Cruelty-Free Investing Goes Mainstream!
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Vegan/Cruelty-Free Investing Goes Mainstream!


#JaneUnChained #LIVETALK Plant-Based, Cruelty-Free Investing Goes Mainstream! Dave Brett Wasser of, a 501c3 non-profit, talks about his plan to help people to avoid investing in companies that exploit animals and the environment and put their funds into cruelty-free stocks! He also tells us about a new ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) debuting on the New York Stock Exchange on September 12th! This ETF is called the Vegan Climate Fund! VEGN is the ticker symbol! Please note: JaneUnChained is not recommending any particular stocks/funds, nor is responsible for any of your financial decisions!

See Also

cruelty free investing philosophy
Cruelty Free Investing’s instructions from their website. Visit for more info.

Here’s a quote from Cruelty Free Investing’s website: “Cruelty Free Investing is a resource for individual investors, institutional investors, and financial advisors. We do not provide advice on which stocks to pick. We provide information that investors and financial advisors can use to make better choices.” This non-profit’s staff researched every corporation on the three major stock exchanges (NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX) and put every company into one of two categories – companies that exploit animals, and companies that do not. On each list, you can click on the name of a company, and see how that company uses (or does not use) animals.

list of companies on website
This is an example of some of the lists you can find on
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