Vegan Stir Fry Recipe, Let’s Get Saucy!

A vegan stir fry recipe with “chick’n” and asparagus! Join us on #LunchBreakLIVE with vegan chef Caryn K. Dugan, Lifestyle Educator and Founder of the Center for Plant-Based Living in St. Louis, MO, the nation’s first plant-based nutrition and culinary education center! This is a super simple yet totally flavorful dish the whole family will love!
Rooted deep in the St. Louis food and wellness scene, Caryn Dugan is STLVegGirl, a plant-based nutrition, culinary, and lifestyle educator with a simple mission, “A Plant on Every Plate™.”
Caryn adopted a plant-based diet in response to tragedy; in 2008, cancer took her father at an early age, and 10 weeks later, tried to take her. In response to her diagnosis, she searched for an answer and found one in the growing body of literature supporting a whole-food, plant-based diet to bolster our natural immune system. Adopting a plant-based diet herself and beating cancer, she sought to share her knowledge to help others.
In 2011, Caryn studied in Washington, DC, under the direction of Neal Barnard MD at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s (PCRM) Food For Life program, becoming a certified instructor. Bringing this knowledge home, she teaches immune-boosting, plant-based cooking classes at the Cancer Support Center of St. Louis for the benefit of others who have, like her, met cancer at the door.
Caryn went on to form STLVegGirl, LLC, St. Louis’ first fully plant-based entity providing cooking instruction, personal cheffing, meal delivery, and collaborative restaurant events. She regularly appears in cooking and nutrition segments on St. Louis affiliates of NBC, CBS, and Fox morning shows.
Caryn has continued to earn her spurs as a graduate of:
• Rouxbe Cooking School Plant-Based Professional Program
• Wellness Forum’s Plant-Based Certified Personal Chef Program
• Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) as a Lifestyle Medicine Institute Certified Program Facilitator
• Wellcoaches as a Certified Health and Wellness Coach
• Plant-based Nutrition Certificate through eCornell University
She has also teamed up with Forks Over Knives to create the first-ever Forks Over Knives Community Program which was piloted in St. Louis and still continues to sell out. Most recent speaking engagements include presenting culinary instruction in Naples, Florida to a group of 100 attendees at Total Health Immersions, Health Retreat where immersionists reportedly marked weight and inches lost, a decrease in insulin and blood pressure medication administration, and chronic illness reversal all within the span of seven days. International exposure includes Naked Food Magazine featuring Caryn in its Spring 2017 Anniversary issue where she received three pages.
Caryn executed St. Louis’ first Plant-based Nutrition Summit at Washington University in July of 2018, where this one-day event featured world-renowned experts such as Michael Greger, MD, and Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., MD. The event sold out and represented in attendance were 16 states and 2 countries.
Her most notable accomplishment is the opening of our nation’s first plant-based nutrition and culinary education center, the Center for Plant-based Living in the historic Kirkwood downtown neighborhood of suburban St. Louis. The center offers plant-based cooking classes, programs, speaker’s series, philanthropic efforts, etc.
To learn more about Caryn, please visit
To learn about the trailblazing Center for Plant-based Living, please visit
Please follow @Plant_Based_Center on Instagram to see what’s happening now.

Vegan stir fry recipes are my favorite because they are so simple, they are full of my daily vegetable intake, and with the right sauce, there is a burst of flavor in every bite. I usually use tofu in my stir fry dishes, but I love the idea of using soy curls so I plan on giving that a try. Caryn used fresh asparagus, carrots, and peppers in hers, but you can use whatever veggies you like. Make it your own.

This was a great episode of #LunchBreakLIVE with a quick and easy meal. Vegan stir fry is sure to become a go-to dish, once you see how simple it is to make and how flavorful it is to eat. Give the dish a try and let us know how you liked it. Interested in other easy plant-based recipes to cook up? Stop by the #LunchBreakLIVE page, where we have a ton to choose from. Until next time…keep cookin’!
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Donna Dennison is an UnchainedTV writer, graphic designer, video editor, and IG contributor. Donna is also a creative in the film industry.