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Avocado Chocolate Pudding & Superfoods Smoothy
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Avocado Chocolate Pudding & Superfoods Smoothy

Today on #LunchBreakLIVE, 6 yr old Seneca Paul aka The Princess In The Kitchen and her mom, Sara M Paul, a conscious marketing/branding expert are making Seneca’s favorite superfoods and treats. Find Sara at and IG: @healthycrafty and follow Seneca on IG: @theprincessinthekitchen #JaneUnChained

Recipe #1 Superfood Smoothie with Homemade Hemp Milk

Step 1. Make the hemp milk in the blender with:

Blend ingredients until creamy.  Hemp milk is done! No straining required.
Step 2. Keep the hemp milk in the blender and then add: 

Hemp milk and Green Smoothy

Superfoods Smoothy with Homemade Organic Hemp Milk

Ingredients - Chocolate Pudding 2

Recipe #2  Avocado Chocolate Pudding

In the food processor, blend the following ingredients until creamy:  

See Also
Jason Wrobel's vegan caramel waffles

avocadosFour Ripe Avocados are the Base for the Chocolate Pudding

Ingredients - chocolate pudding

Some of the ingredients for the Avocado Chocolate Pudding

Sara Paul Tiny House
Here is the “tiny house on Wheels” referred to in the video, which has gone on location as a mobile site for “craft services” on movie sets across the United States.  Now this adorable tiny house/trailer will be the venue for filming, “The Princess in the Kitchen”.

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  • Ohhhhh!!!! I’m going to the store RIGHT NOW to get all my ingredients! It’s going to be a heavenly evening indulging on Avocado Chocolate Pudding and watching Overboard for the 896th time.

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