I am feeling festive so in honor of Cinco de Mayo, I made these authentic black bean and corn taquitos filled with orange bell peppers, onion, vegan mozzarella cheese and fresh garlic. These are SO easy to make and take only 20 minutes in the oven to cook! Finished off by making some homemade chipotle sauce and layered with my favorite toppings. Filled with plant protein goodness and no cholesterol! It feels great to be VEGAN! ENJOY! #veganmexicanfoood #crueltyfreefood #nocholesterol #dairyfreefood #vegancomfortfood #letscookvegan #vegana #plantbasedprotein #veganfoodshare #compassionbeginsonyourplate #noanimalsharmed #saturdaysnackdown #janeunchained
VegfestLA is happening NOW! Today, May 5th at Woodley Park in Los Angeles. You should definatley get down there for lots of vegan deliciousness!