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UnchainedTV provides the crucial information mainstream media overlooks. Join us to stay informed, be inspired, and become part of a compassionate and sustainable future. Discover the powerful stories shaping the vegan movement. Don’t miss out on the latest vegan news that could change your life and the world.

Woolly Monekey Ecuador
Trailblazing Captive Animals Are Changing Human Laws

With recent success in Ecuador, the case for granting legal personhood to some captive animals is advancing all over the world. A huge case comes up May 18th in New York involving Happy, the elephant. Happy, Estrellita, Kaavan, Chucho, and Billy may become names that future law students will have to memorize.

chickens and fishes (c) Faunalytics
Study Reveals How People Really Feel About Chickens and Fishes

A new study reveals how people really feel about chickens and fishes in five countries where these animals are massively consumed. Wouldn’t it be great to know how people really feel about animals like chickens and fishes? After all, chickens and fishes are arguably the most exploited and abused beings on earth, killed in the greatest number.

Material Innovation Conference
Material Innovation: the end of leather, wool and fur

The Material Innovation Conference is building a cruelty-free future by bringing together disruptors of animal-based material industries Time to go beyond food! Veg Tech has been disrupting the animal agriculture industry by providing alternatives to meat and dairy from plants, fruits, nuts, mushrooms, algae and even bacteria.

Jeniffer Stojkovic and women
Jennifer Stojkovic: The Future of Food is Female!

Jennifer Stojkovic, the founder of the Vegan Women Summit, has authored a new book about the role of women in the plant-based revolution. More than 800 high-powered vegan businesswomen converged on downtown Los Angeles for a rip-roaring daylong summit on April 8th, 2022.

IPPC Report Reduce the Demand AdobeStock_104779100
UN Report: It’s Time to Reduce the Demand for Products Like Meat

The latest UN IPCC report urges reduction in fossil fuels and meat to stop the worsening climate crisis   The report titled Climate Change 2022; Mitigation of Climate Change, published in early April 2022 by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is the strongest to date.

Asian Elefants from Asian Elephants 101
New Documentary Series ‘Asian Elephants 101’ on UnchainedTV

The new documentary series, Asian Elephants 101, is now streaming on UnchainedTV  to showcase the plight of India’s most iconic species. Asian Elephants 101 is a powerful TV series produced by renowned wildlife filmmaker and author Sangita Iyer, and funded by the National Geographic Society.

FDA Modernization Act Ends Vivisection
Doctors Hope the FDA Modernization Act Ends Vivisection

Phoenix Zones Initiative doctors say passage of  the FDA Modernization Act would be the biggest blow to vivisection… ever.  For decades, the pharmaceutical industry has spent billions of dollars experimenting on billions of animals  for one key reason. Governments, especially the U.S.

Russian Vivisection labs (c)WCW
Shocking Revelations of Russian Vivisection Labs Paid by US Funds

The non-profit White Coat Waste Project has discovered that the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding Russian vivisection labs doing experiments on cats. White Coat Waste Project (WCW) alleges that, as recently as November 2021, the NIH shipped $549,331 via a university to Russia’s state-run Pavlov Institute of Physiology.

Authors of Antiracism in Animal Advocacy
Activists Speak Up About Antiracism in Animal Advocacy

In the new book Antiracism in Animal Advocacy, Animal Rights activists have spoken up about the existence of racism in the animal protection movement. Encompass is a US-based nonprofit working towards racial equity in animal advocacy. Founded in 2017 by Aryenish Birdie, it began studying this issue.

Genesis Butler, leader of Youth Climate Save, opposes bulldozing Ballona Wetlands
Communities of Color Say Don’t Bulldoze Ballona Wetlands!

Activists in Black, Indigenous and Latinx communities are condemning the State of California’s plan to spend half a million dollars on a public relations campaign designed to convince tribal leaders and people of color that bulldozing the Ballona Wetlands will help them.