Vegan Leaders

There is growing evidence that veganism is on its way to becoming the overriding social justice movement of the 21st Century. That’s because veganism is the solution to so many of humanity’s greatest problems: climate change, human world hunger, human disease, habitat destruction, wildlife extinction, environmental and dietary racism… to name a few. Also, the practice of nonviolence is the spiritual solution to the overarching challenge facing our species… how to co-exist while causing the least amount of suffering.

Vegan leaders face a huge hurdle: convincing humans that it is in their self-interest to be kind to other beings over whom they have so much power. Vegan leaders see the big picture and know how to communicate that vision in a way that gets people’s attention without making them so defensive that they stop listening and just start arguing.

UnChainedTV profiles many visionaries in this arena from the ultimate movement leader, Ingrid Newkirk of PETA to Dr. Sailesh Rao, the cutting edge scientist determined to turn society vegan by 2026. Thousands of others around the world are leading the way in different aspects of our movement. Now, meet some of these amazing individuals.


Jeniffer Stojkovic and women
Jennifer Stojkovic: The Future of Food is Female!

Jennifer Stojkovic, the founder of the Vegan Women Summit, has authored a new book about the role of women in the plant-based revolution. More than 800 high-powered vegan businesswomen converged on downtown Los Angeles for a rip-roaring daylong summit on April 8th, 2022.

Authors of Antiracism in Animal Advocacy
Activists Speak Up About Antiracism in Animal Advocacy

In the new book Antiracism in Animal Advocacy, Animal Rights activists have spoken up about the existence of racism in the animal protection movement. Encompass is a US-based nonprofit working towards racial equity in animal advocacy. Founded in 2017 by Aryenish Birdie, it began studying this issue.

Bringing vegan meals to schools (c)SCIL
Bringing Vegan Meals to Schools in California

Judie Mancuso is Bringing Vegan Meals to California Schools If something happens in California, you know it’s going to have an impact around the country, right? If we want to bring vegan meals to schools across the US, best to do it first in California.

Tracye McQuirter
Tracye McQuirter Leading 10 Million Black Vegan Women

The Black Vegan Revolution Get ready, because it’s coming. Can you imagine 10 million Black vegan women spearheading the vegan revolution in the USA? I can, now that I have learned about Tracye McQuirter. There are about 43 million African Americans in the USA, of whom 22 million are females.

Tofurky’s Founder Seth Tibbott
Tofurky Founder Seth Tibbott’s Amazing Memoir

In Search of the Wild Tofurky! Have you ever wondered how a business misfit could pioneer plant-based foods before they were cool? Now, you can find out from Tofurky’s Founder Seth Tibbott. No, I am not being rude in describing him as a misfit.

Healthy vegan desserts on a plate
Healthy Vegan Desserts: Break Food Addictions Deliciously

Eat Healthy Vegan Desserts & Kick Sugar Addiction??? Imagine being able to gobble up chocolate cake, strawberry ice cream cake, chocolate peanut butter bread, caramel chocolate chip muffins, gingerbread layer cake, cashew cream lemon bars, blueberry banana muffins, and more… without a moment of guilt and without compromising your health or weight.

Man looking at a landscape and the words "That's why we are building the largest vegan marketplace"
Vejii: New Online Vegan Marketplace

Vejii’s Mission: The World’s Largest Vegan Marketplace Vejii is the new online vegan retailer that allows you to easily purchase most of the vegan products you need. Created just a few months ago, it’s growing very fast. And, if it keeps growing, it may expand to other countries and become the world’s largest vegan marketplace.

Eat The Change Impact Grant Recipients
One Million Dollars for Vegan Food

Compassionate Couple Gives Away One Million Dollars for Vegan Food Humanity is barreling toward a climate apocalypse and someone must stop it. Moving our food system away from animals to plants is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid this dystopian future.

Fram animals in a filed with red crosses on them
Stop Rearing Livestock… The Climate Solution!

We All Need to Transition to Plant-based Agriculture Paul Simon’s rock classic, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, lists the many ways to escape a bad relationship. Now, vegan activist Rebecca Knowles gives us 100 ways ranchers and farmers can escape from animal agriculture.

Selection of Miyoko's vegan cheeses
Vegan Cheese Queen Miyoko Schinner Wins Big VS Dairy Industry!

Miyoko Schinner Wins & Will Keep Saying Vegan Butter! Miyoko Schinner, the Queen of vegan cheese, founder and CEO of the California-based Miyoko’s Creamery,  recently won a HUGE legal victory against the dairy industry and their allies in the California government.